123: If I Were a Cartoon Dog Dad

Episode 123 April 19, 2022 00:51:43
123: If I Were a Cartoon Dog Dad
No Instructions
123: If I Were a Cartoon Dog Dad

Apr 19 2022 | 00:51:43


Show Notes

The guys talk about Bluey being a parents show and a bunch of Pros & Cons. WHAT ARE THEY PLAYING WITH? Bob & Josh: LEGO DeLorean set# 10300 Find out More from Bob and Josh: http://www.iliketomakestuff.com Youtube: http://youtube.com/iliketomakestuff http://youtube.com/josh_makesstuff Instagram: http://instagram.com/iliketomakestuff http://instagram.com/josh_makesstuff Twitter: http://twitter.com/iliketomakestuf http://twitter.com/josh_makesstuff

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