013: Dancing at Weddings

October 06, 2018 01:06:04
013: Dancing at Weddings
No Instructions
013: Dancing at Weddings

Oct 06 2018 | 01:06:04


Show Notes

What are they talking about?

The guys are talking modern treasure hunting, the new Mandalorian show, Die Hard, and some Fun Pros/Cons about Dancing.

Forrest Fenn’s Treasure

Die Hard, fists with your toes

What are they playing with?

Bob & Josh: Continuing the Black Lion from the Lego Ideas Voltron set # 21311

Find out More from Bob and Josh:

www.iliketomakestuff.com & www.thepiworkshop.com

Youtube: I Like to Make Stuff & The P.I. Workshop

Instagram: I Like to Make Stuff & TheP.I.Workshop

Twitter: ILiketoMakeStuf

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