020: A Peek Behind the Curtain

December 11, 2018 01:00:01
020: A Peek Behind the Curtain
No Instructions
020: A Peek Behind the Curtain

Dec 11 2018 | 01:00:01


Show Notes

What are they talking about?

Bob & Josh talk about some behind the scenes antics and the mechanics of running I Like to Make Stuff. Bob is still trying to convince Josh that Solo is a good movie, and Josh doesn’t like bar soap.

What are they playing with?

Bob: Continuing the Bandai Shore Trooper Model

Josh: Starting the Lego Ideas Once Upon a Brick set# 21315

Find out More from Bob and Josh:

www.iliketomakestuff.com & www.thepiworkshop.com

Youtube: I Like to Make Stuff & The P.I. Workshop

Instagram: I Like to Make Stuff & TheP.I.Workshop

Twitter: ILiketoMakeStuf

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