The guys are talking about their Christmas and New Years. It’s been a minute since they’ve recorded and we’re getting all caught up.
Bob: Lego 007 Aston Martin set# 10262
Josh: Lego Technic Forklift Set# 42079 &
Youtube: I Like to Make Stuff & The P.I. Workshop
Instagram: I Like to Make Stuff & TheP.I.Workshop
Twitter: ILiketoMakeStuf & JoshMakesStuff
The guys are answering a listener’s question about motivating kids to pursue their passions outside of school. WHAT ARE THEY PLAYING WITH? Bob &...
The guys are discussing how, if at all, they will travel for the holidays this year. WHAT ARE THEY PLAYING WITH? Bob: LEGO Ideas...
Bob had a fanboy moment when he got a call from one of his favorite musicians, probably David Hasselhoff? What are they playing with?...