The guys are talking about Josh’s upcoming vacation where he plans on tickling some lobsters.
Bob: LEGO Ideas Pirates of Barracuda Bay Set# 21322
Josh: Castle Camelot 3D Puzzle &
Youtube: I Like to Make Stuff & Josh Makes Stuff
Instagram: I Like to Make Stuff & Josh_MakesStuff & Forby & AnthonyLeeRose
Twitter: ILiketoMakeStuf & Josh_MakesStuff & Forby & AnthonyLeeRose
The guys talk about bullies, getting punched in the face, and the passing of Alex Trebek WHAT ARE THEY PLAYING WITH? Bob: Star Wars...
The guys are talking about seeing the Harlem Globetrotters and how Josh’s kids feel about Wrastlin’. What are they playing with? Bob: Bandai Gundam...
What are they talking about? Bob’s kids are signed up for extracurricular activities every day of the week. The guys discuss the advantages/disadvantages of...