063: Hooked on VR

December 11, 2019 00:59:54
063: Hooked on VR
No Instructions
063: Hooked on VR

Dec 11 2019 | 00:59:54


Show Notes

What are they talking about?

Josh got the Oculus Quest and is blown away by how immersive and awesome it is. Everyone is back from Thanksgiving holiday and ready to get back to work.

What are they playing with?

Bob: LEGO Ideas Tree House set# 21318

Josh: LEGO Star Wars Pod Racer set# 75258

Find out More from Bob and Josh:

www.iliketomakestuff.com & www.thepiworkshop.com

Youtube: I Like to Make Stuff & The P.I. Workshop

Instagram: I Like to Make Stuff & Josh_MakesStuff & Forby & AnthonyLeeRose

Twitter: ILiketoMakeStuf & Josh_MakesStuff & Forby & AnthonyLeeRose

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